Monday 11 March 2013

My 1st ever 10k race

Yesterday I ran my 1st 10k race. It snowed, blew a gale and rained the whole way round the course. At times, it felt like hell. I wanted to cry and give up but I can't do that when I'm running the half marathon for charity so I knew I needed to keep going. Yes, I did stop and walk about 3 times partly because I just could not breathe with the air being so cold and I hadn't taken an inhaler but I got round in a fairly respectable 1 hour and 3 minutes. I am really pleased with this as I hadn't run for 10 days because of injury. It was touch and go whether I would make it round the course even but I did and along the way I did have moments where I actually enjoyed it. The feeling of finishing and the endorphins going round your body after is the best bit!

So what now? Well, I need to train hard for the half marathon especially if I want to run a sub 2 hour time. Today has been a rest day but tomorrow I'm going to go out for a short run again. I also need to focus on my eating too. This is key in race preparation and the better you eat whilst you train, the better. Organisation is vital and whilst I'm great at planning everybody elses menus, I don't do the same for me so I must. I also have a wedding to go into in just under 3 weeks which is more motivation to eat well and look great.

I never thought I'd be able to run 10k but with determination and training, I did which means you can too. In fact, you can do anything you put your mind to so go out there and do it!


Thursday 7 March 2013

Long time no post

It's a while since I last blogged and I'm determined to start blogging more regularly again. As some of you may know from my social media feeds I'm training for the Sheffield Half Marathon in aid of Safe At Last. This means I need to be in good shape and at the moment, I'm not. I've put weight on and not been motivated to lose it. Now, I have an injury which is stopping me from running but for the first time ever I actually miss it. I'm jealous of all those people I see out running and want to join them but I can't as my leg won't let me.

So, I'm going to start blogging my training and eating again as that really kept me on track last time. I have a 10k race on Sunday and am currently advised not to do it but we'll see how it goes. As I write this, I have an ice pack on my leg trying to help it heal. The half marathon is on the 12th May which is really not far away now. Time to cut out the rubbish and focus on eating better. But, I've been out for lunch today and had dessert however, that's not an excuse to write the whole day off. I have soup for dinner tonight after food club in an attempt to prevent the day being as bad as it could be. So one meal out doesn't have to lead to a disastrous day. Recognise that that meal was unhealthy and balance it out with something healthier.

Between now and May, I have some serious training to do to get me in good shape for a half marathon. I've been including other exercises into my training to help tone up and build muscles. I also want to look great on holiday this year! What are your goals for the summer?
