Wednesday 4 December 2013

Meeting Theo

On Thursday 28th November I  had the privilege of travelling to Birmingham and meeting Theo Paphitis. I won his competition on Twitter for Small Businesses (SBS) where each week he picks 6 of the best. I have three words to sum up the day:
  • Inspiring
  • Exciting
  • Amazing
Being in business is tough and although Theo is a very wealthy man, helping those of us who are starting out and still small businesses is top of his list. You couldn't ask to meet a more genuine man who has his feet firmly on the ground. Listening to Theo speak about the things he's got lined up for SBS winners excites me and inspires me.

Theo wants the SBS network to grow and be powerful enough to lobby in parliament. How exciting is that?! He talked about his businesses and probably the best of advice he gave is to "just f***ing do it" Stop wasting time thinking about the consequences because if you don't try something you won't know whether it works or not.

The SBS winners that were in Birmingham were those who are passionate and determined with their businesses. They want to make them succeed and are already successful regardless of income/size etc. These are the people I want to be around. They inspire you to keep going when things are tough and the community we're building is there for people if they just need a chat and virtual hug. The passion, dedication and enthusiasm in the room was infectious. Hearing how excited people are for next year and the plans they have was just amazing.

I am proud and honoured to be part of such a wonderful community and look forward to helping and hopefully inspiring those who have already won and future winners. You only get out what you put in and this is certainly true for SBS. The more you can network online and retweet other winners to help them get their messages heard, the more they do for you.

2014 is shaping up to be the most exciting year yet with some fantastic opportunities and new products coming your way so watch the blog and website ( for more information. Don't forget you can always get in touch with us via the website or call 07912 556470.


Tuesday 19 November 2013

Cod and chorizo stew

Cod, chorizo and tomato stew (serves 4)

4 cod fillets
100g chorizo
400g can tomatoes
1 red onion
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 carrots
150g mushrooms
1tsp fried mixed herbs
Fresh parsley

1. Place all the ingredients in a large lidded casserole dish. Place in the oven at 200 C for 30-40 minutes until the cod is cooked
2. Serve with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables. If freezing, leave to cool then freeze after 90 minutes.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Eating for wellness

It's the time of year when bugs have started doing the rounds. Everywhere you go, there seems to coughs and colds or even worse stomach bugs! What you eat can play a huge part in helping protect you and your family from nasty germs.

Firstly, your lifestyle can often be a big factor in how ill you get. Some people can eat rubbish, never sleep enough, drink too much, smoke and they never catch a cold but most aren't that fortunate. If you're feeling tired and run down, listen to your body and go to bed a bit earlier. Sleep will help your immune system fight whatever it is that your coming down with.Cutting down the alcohol and eating better will also help. Here are some foods to include in your diet:

  • Add a teaspoon of cinnamon and turmeric (ideally non irradiated which can buy here ) to your diet each day. Both have lots of beneficial properties not just for fighting illness but keeping you well too.
  • Up your vitamin C content by piling your plate with more vegetables (nothing else) and steam or eat raw where possible to keep the vitamin content high. Drinking lots of orange juice won't help you fight a cold!
  • Drink lots of water to help keep you hydrated and prevent symptoms of dehydration especially if you have a stomach bug.
  • Local honey (not from the supermarket) with lemon and fresh ginger is a great natural cure for a cold and sore throat
  • Taking a multivitamin may help prevent colds during winter months. The best are from Cytoplan and you can order them through me


If you would like more information about preventing illness through good nutrition, visit the website or call Hannah on 0844 877 0348 or 07912 556470. You can also send us an email to

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Why are eating less but getting fatter?

It was reported yesterday that we're eating less but getting fatter. Researchers are blaming our sedentary lifestyles but those who watched "The Men Who Made Us Thin" on BBC2 earlier in the year will know that when the exercise and weight theory was discovered, they got it wrong!

Whilst we're not the most active country, what we eat is also a big contributory factor in our weight. It seems that a lack of exercise is being blamed because it's the easiest thing to blame. In actual fact, we as individuals are at fault. We control what we eat and how healthy our lifestyles are. However, the advice from the government may not be helping us to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

If the exercise theory was wrong and it is in fact slim people who do exercise rather than exercise helping with weight loss then it doesn't really matter how much exercise you do. There are dangers of recommending exercise to overweight people as the pressure it puts their joints under can cause a lot of damage. People should only start exercising after speaking to a qualified professional e.g. personal trainer. Ideally if they are wanting to lose weight, the personal trainer should have some experience of working with overweight people so they can give the best advice. This should then be combined with the advice of qualified nutritionist or dietitian.

The current Eatwell plate looks like this

You can see how much of our diet the government recommend is made up of carbohydrates and foods high in fat/sugar. Protein makes up a small portion of the plate and there is no distinction between how much fruit or veg we should have.

There is far too much carbohydrate on the plate especially of the white sugary kind and there is no direction on whether to eat low fat or full fat dairy products. Full fat are not only lower in sugar but also more filling and have less effect on blood sugar. Whilst fruit contains vitamins, it does also contain fructose which is natural sugar. Far too many people eat a lot of fruit and very little veg which also can cause blood sugars to rise. This is often the case for children too.

As far as I'm concerned, there should be no place for the purple segment. Yes, we all need a treat once in a while but certainly not the amount or frequency suggested by the plate. Sugary foods cause the body to release more insulin to deal with the rise in blood sugar which encourages the body to lay down fat stores especially around the middle.

We need to re-consider our dietary advice as it clearly isn't working if we are eating less and getting fatter. My suggestion would be to look at what happens when people eat a low carbohydrate diet with no processed food and see how much people lose then. We don't need to Calorie count or get obsessive about weight, we need to make people healthy.

Of course, another flaw with the article is that people often under or over estimate food intake. Those who underweight are more likely to over report whereas those who are overweight are most likely to over report and therefore food intake is not accurate. It also doesn't always account for what is eaten outside the home which can equate to an awful lots of food for many people!

Here's a link to the article:

For more information, visit or email

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Pumpkin biryani

Pumpkin Biryani recipe

This recipe is perfect for using up the insides of pumpkins which have been carved into frightening Halloween creations!

2 large red onions, peeled and sliced finely
50g butter
3 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
2cm fresh ginger, peeled
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1/2 tsp ground cardamom seeds
pinch ground nutmeg
2 cinnamon sticks
2 bay leaves
1 tsp garam masala
1/2 green chilli, sliced and de-seeded
Juice of 1 lime
500g- 1 kg pumpkin
1 large butternut squash, peeled and cubed
50ml Greek yoghurt
250g basmati rice

1. Preheat the oven to 200 C/ Gas Mark 8. Gently fry the onions on most of the butter until soft. Blitz the garlic and ginger in a food processor with 1 tablespoon of water to make a paste. Add to the onions and fry for 2-3 minutes then stir in the chilli, spices and lime juice.
2. Slice up the pumpkin flesh and butternut squash then roast for 30-35 minutes. Meanwhile, wash the rice and leave to soak for 15 minutes. Drain, then partially cook in boiling water for 4-5 minutes.
3. Mix the pumpkin and butternut squash together with the yoghurt and most of the rice then place in a large ovenproof dish and add the remaining rice.
4. Place in the oven for 1 hour until the rice is soft then stir before serving.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Clothes shopping

On Monday, I took a couple of hours off and met my Mum for some clothes shopping. I desperately need some new clothes especially as I have two very exciting projects starting and jeans just won't do! A lovely girly day planned and some retail therapy. Sounds bliss...

I can truly say that clothes shopping has become one of my worst things ever! It was awful, depressing and if it wasn't for my Mum I would have turned round and come home. I have put some weight on and was wondering how this would affect the sizes I buy. Having always been an 8 top and 10 bottom, I prepared myself that this may no longer be the case. Clearly, I am an awkward shape because 10's looked a bit too tight and 12's hung off me. Or, clothes just didn't fit right.

Whilst I found it depressing, I know I am fit and healthy and with a little bit of work, the rest of the weight will come off. It got me thinking about how other people might find clothes shopping especially women who are bigger than me. With the average UK women now a size 16, how do they find clothes to fit? As we were walking round, I started to look more at what other people were wearing and realised there are only a few people who actually wear clothes that fir them really well and suit them. If I found it depressing at a size 10 what must some a size 14 or bigger feel like?

It also seemed that clothes were smaller in shops and cut really badly (unless that's just me). Surely, clothes sizes should be a little more generous given that we're all getting bigger. It's well known that wearing well fitting clothes is more flattering but may be it's just not possible for everyone. Of course, there are also the wonderful changing room mirrors which seem to add a dress size and show every bit of cellulite, fat and any other imperfection.

All in all, a depressing experience. I would love to hear how you find clothes shopping. Are there certain shops you know you can rely on for good clothes or is it a nightmare? I left with a top and a skirt which don't match but at least I have things at home they go with. I also have renewed determination to get back into a size 10 and look good in it through healthy eating and exercise.

Tell me how you find clothes shopping by emailing or visit the website

Sunday 29 September 2013

School meals

It's been announced that all children under 6 will receive free school meals in a bid to educate children on healthy eating and provide a hot meal to more children. Sounds great but I have some issues with the idea.

Firstly, it's going to be a very expensive idea. Whilst I would never deny a child a free meal, are there not more important things to do which might tackle obesity. What about all the schools that no longer have kitchens? Will they have to build them or ship in food from somewhere that's been reheated and lost it's nutritional value and tastes disgusting?

Secondly, the variation in quality of school meals needs to be tackled. Some schools have fantastic meals, others are awful. More emphasis needs to be put on the quality of food and sourcing local produce. Children can then learn where their food has come from and how it is cooked. Jamie Oliver has done a fantastic job of highlighting the nutritional quality of school meals. Unfortunately, not enough has been done following on from this. 

For children to learn about healthy eating, school meals need to change drastically. Menus are full of stodgy high carbohydrate meals. Although children need some carbohydrate, the amount on menus is sky high. The fact they have fruit and vegetables/salad available means nothing when you look at the dessert options. Children need high fat nutritious food not high sugar junk which will create a lifetime of sugar addiction.

I honestly can't see this scheme making any difference to childhood obesity and it certainly doesn't educate kids on healthy eating because school meals are not healthy! For this to have any impact, school menus need to change to serve real food in it's real state closest to nature not something that's highly processed with no nutritional value. 

What do you think to the idea? Do your children have school meals? I would love to hear your thoughts. You can email me on Don't forget to visit the website


Wednesday 26 June 2013

No pasta lasagne

There's an argument that this is no longer lasagne as it has no pasta and doesn't have the traditional bechemal sauce but for anyone who can't eat pasta and prefers a healthier option, it tastes fab! It's really easy to make and can be frozen

500g minced beef
1 red onion, peeled and chopped
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 butternut squash, peeled and cubed
4 carrots, peeled and finely sliced
150g mushrooms, chopped
1/2 leek (use the other half as pasta sheets- do not chop)
2 tins tomatoes
4 tbsp tomato puree
Fresh basil
Fresh parsley
Freshly ground black pepper

For the sauce

350g cottage cheese
250g natural yoghurt
2 eggs

1. Peel and slice all the vegetables then fry the onion, garlic and mince until browned. Add the remaining vegetables ensuring you keep back half the leek to use later. Leave to simmer for 30 minutes then season
2. Preheat the oven to 180OC. Slice the leek in half lengthways. Blend the cottage cheese, yoghurt and eggs together then season with black pepper.
3. Once the lasagne is cooked, layer the lasagne mix and leeks. For the final layer, use the cheese and yoghurt mix. Then place in the oven to cook for 35-40 minutes until the topping is golden brown.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Hannah on Radio Sheffield

This week I have had the privilege of being on Radio Sheffield twice in 3 days talking about different aspects of nutrition. On Monday, I was on Paulette Edwards' show as an expert nutritionist. I then got called in to Rony's show on Wednesday morning to give my comments on the new traffic light labelling system.

I love being on radio and have decided I want my own nutrition show. For now though, I'll be on Paulette's show once a month talking about the latest nutrition news and answering your questions. There were some great stories coming in. One that particularly stood out was a man who lost 7 stone by cutting out beer, bread and butter. Whilst I recommended he put butter back in but spread thinly, that's a fantastic achievement!

We focussed a lot on retraining your brain and what that means. I argue that it isn't just the food we eat but our attitude towards it. food should be seen as fuel for our body but also more than that. There is the social enjoyment and the fulfilment of eating good quality food you enjoy. You wouldn't put substandard fuel in the car yet we quite happily fill our bodies up and expect them to work.They won't! We need to view food and our relationship with it as a much more important part of life.

I also went on Rony's show to talk about the new food labelling system coming into force. I'll blog more about that in a separate post but personally, I can't see it working. It comes back to the point I make above, our attitudes need to change. We need to change the amount of convenience food we eat and the reasons why. 

If you would like to listen to my chat with Paulette, you can listen here from 1:07

To listen to Ron'y show click here and listen from 17:30

Thursday 23 May 2013

Exam tips for stressed teens

Exam time is stressful for children any age whether they are doing their first SATS or A Levels but a healthy diet can help manage some of their anxieties and boost performance. This is not just important for those doing exams but children of all ages to make sure they reach their full potential at school. Here are my top tips for healthy and happy school children:

  •          Make sure children get enough sleep. It helps improve their mood and concentration levels. Teenagers still need at least 9 hours sleep a night and younger children need more.
  •        Give kids breakfast before they leave the house. Some fruit and a yoghurt is better than nothing at all. Don’t be fooled into buying sugary cereals that claim to be healthy.
  •          Children need to drink plenty of water to make sure they stay hydrated. Poor hydration can lead to poor concentration and a lack of energy.
  •          Try and give children their 5 a day. Fruit and vegetables contain lots of vitamins and minerals which will help them fight any bugs and germs going round as well as improve their general health and energy levels
  •          Starchy carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread, pasta and rice as well as sweet potatoes are great for slow release energy and keeping energy levels up though the day.
  •          Protein is also very important and will help keep children fuller for longer especially during afternoon exams. Try and include some at each meal.
  •          Give children a small treat every now and again to keep them motivated and encourage them to take a break from revision and work.

For more information on healthy eating for exams, email to get the rest of my top tips. Hannah’s book 54 Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy is out now available from Amazon, Waterstones online and

Saturday 11 May 2013

Exciting times

Next week sees the release of my first published book! I am very excited about this and the opportunities that will arise from it. The book is called "54 Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy" and will be available from Amazon and Waterstones online as well as my website and some local bookshops too.

As the book title suggests, it is all about keeping your family healthy. With today's busy lifestyles, healthy eating is more important than ever to help our bodies cope with the demands but its frequently a long way down the priority list. Obesity is continuing to rise despite government health initiatives and education programs so something else needs to be done.

The book shows you how to eat healthily, build in exercise and lead a busy but healthy life without breaking the bank and needing more hours in the day. If you need some advice on getting your little ones to eat healthily or fitting in some exercise then this is the book for you. It's written with advice that suits the majority of people and isn't just for parents.

I wanted to write a book that gave people honest and simple advice without the need to spend a fortune on products and foods you may only eat once. Most of us don't have time to spend hours in the kitchen and need quick, simple but healthy meals to eat. We also need realistic advice on making changes to our diet and lifestyles. Clearly, government health messages are just not making people change their lifestyles. Is this because they don't explain how? Is it because people are fed up of being told what to do?

As well as the book, don't forget I also run food clubs in Chesterfield and soon Hallam FC in Sheffield.The Real Food Club is an alternative to traditional slimming clubs. It's not just for people wanting to lose weight but those who need to eat healthily. To book on a session or find out more email or call Hannah on 07912 556470.

Friday 10 May 2013

Sheffield Half Marathon

On Sunday 12th May, 10,000 runners will pound the streets of Sheffield for 13 miles. I will be one of those 10,000 people.

I've never run 13 miles in my life. Until last Sunday I'd never run more than 7. I'd planned to be really well prepared and train hard but the weather and injuries made that impossible so I've done the best I can. This week has been a very easy week in terms of exercise. I shouldn't have done such a long run Sunday but needed to know I could run most of the distance. I will go for a walk tomorrow to stop my muscles tightening up and make sure I stay active afterwards on Sunday.

This week I've made sure that I have eaten really healthily partly because I feel like I'm getting a cough but also it will help my body on Sunday and post run recovery. There's been no junk, limited caffeine and lots of fresh food to help my body get in top shape. I also feel like I've lost some weight which is great as it's easier to run when you carry less weight. I've also given up drinking for 30 days which just happens to end on Sunday so I can have a celebratory drink after the run.

I'm running for Safe At Last which is a local charity help young run aways and those at risk f running away or being thrown out of their accommodation. They provide a full range of crisis management services to the most vulnerable people in the Sheffield area. If you can donate any spare cash at all, I would really appreciate it. You can donate here: or come down on the day and support me with lots of cheering and shouting.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Walking on fire

On Saturday evening, I took part in a firewalk at Godfrey's Garden Centre in aid of the Sheffield Children's Hospital Make It Better Campaign. I didn't volunteer to do the firewalk as such, I was more volunteered by someone but I'm so glad they did now!

It was a long day with much excitement in Molly's cafe at the garden centre. Jo and I were ridiculously excited all day much to the confusion of many other people who wondered why! We then had 2 hours of training before the walk. Being a bit of whimp about it, I hadn't looked up anything online to do with firewalking so had no idea what really happened.

I walked into the training very excited and a little nervous. The nerves instantly disappeared as the laughing began. There is no hypnosis or brainwashing. I wouldn't even go as far as saying it was mind over matter. That does come in to it to an extent and the exercises we did really helped. I think the excitement of the walk got us through it. The exercises I learnt will start being used with clients to show them how powerful your thoughts are on your actions.

We actually saw the fire being lit and paced out the walk. It's 20ft long which sounds a lot but was about 6-8 strides for most people. The key was to walk quickly over the embers which still glowed red at around 1200 Farenheit.

What did I learn from it? I learnt that actually you can do anything you want if you have the confidence. Since the firewalk my confidence has grown massively. Suddenly, everything comes down to "Of course I can do that, I walked on fire". If you're looking for a challenge to do, I would definitely recommend it but make sure you use a reputable company. Ours was organised with Blaze who have been established for years and do firewalks on an almost weekly basis.

If you would like to sponsor me as part of the Mistress Cutlers Challenge, it's not too late to sponsor the team Molly's tea room is at Junction 31 of the M1 in Godfrey's Garden Centre.

Monday 15 April 2013

Why you shouldn't diet

The sun is finally shining! Cue the panic setting in of what you might look like on the beach or in a pair of shorts and the decision to go on a crash diet. STOP! Before you set off on whichever crash diet you decide to go for there is something you need to do:

Remove the word diet from your vocabulary and replace it with healthy eating. There's no need to go out and buy all the diet products in the world either. You can lose weight without tablets and eating low fat diet food.

How? Eat real food. Look at what you eat now and work out how much is processed or pre-packed food. Start by removing that from your diet and replacing it with home made fresh produce. For example, the sandwich, crisps and chocolate bar you have for lunch can be replaced by a grilled chicken salad with some nuts and a piece of fruit or full fat yoghurt. Make the salad whilst your cooking dinner the night before to save time and use leftovers as much as you can to save on time and money. When you make your own food, you know exactly what's gone in to it and it's so much cheaper than buying ready meals, take aways or prepared sandwiches and salads etc.

Why shouldn't you eat the diet foods? Food tastes good because it has fat or sugar in it. Both are addictive but sugar is more so than fat. When diet versions of foods are created, they take the fat out and replace it with sugar or artificial ingredients or both. This then creates the taste we expect of the food but leads us to consume more sugar than we anticipate and can start sweet cravings within the body. You start craving junk food and enter the vicious cycle of craving sugar. This cycle has to be broken for you to lose weight.

If you want to lose weight, you have to look at it as a long term lifestyle change and not a short term fix. Crash diets work because in the short term you lose weight but over a longer period of time, you'll put the weight back on and often more because your eating habits haven't changed. Ultimately it is your relationship with food which needs to change.

For more information you can buy my ebook from here or visit the website and find out more.

Monday 11 March 2013

My 1st ever 10k race

Yesterday I ran my 1st 10k race. It snowed, blew a gale and rained the whole way round the course. At times, it felt like hell. I wanted to cry and give up but I can't do that when I'm running the half marathon for charity so I knew I needed to keep going. Yes, I did stop and walk about 3 times partly because I just could not breathe with the air being so cold and I hadn't taken an inhaler but I got round in a fairly respectable 1 hour and 3 minutes. I am really pleased with this as I hadn't run for 10 days because of injury. It was touch and go whether I would make it round the course even but I did and along the way I did have moments where I actually enjoyed it. The feeling of finishing and the endorphins going round your body after is the best bit!

So what now? Well, I need to train hard for the half marathon especially if I want to run a sub 2 hour time. Today has been a rest day but tomorrow I'm going to go out for a short run again. I also need to focus on my eating too. This is key in race preparation and the better you eat whilst you train, the better. Organisation is vital and whilst I'm great at planning everybody elses menus, I don't do the same for me so I must. I also have a wedding to go into in just under 3 weeks which is more motivation to eat well and look great.

I never thought I'd be able to run 10k but with determination and training, I did which means you can too. In fact, you can do anything you put your mind to so go out there and do it!


Thursday 7 March 2013

Long time no post

It's a while since I last blogged and I'm determined to start blogging more regularly again. As some of you may know from my social media feeds I'm training for the Sheffield Half Marathon in aid of Safe At Last. This means I need to be in good shape and at the moment, I'm not. I've put weight on and not been motivated to lose it. Now, I have an injury which is stopping me from running but for the first time ever I actually miss it. I'm jealous of all those people I see out running and want to join them but I can't as my leg won't let me.

So, I'm going to start blogging my training and eating again as that really kept me on track last time. I have a 10k race on Sunday and am currently advised not to do it but we'll see how it goes. As I write this, I have an ice pack on my leg trying to help it heal. The half marathon is on the 12th May which is really not far away now. Time to cut out the rubbish and focus on eating better. But, I've been out for lunch today and had dessert however, that's not an excuse to write the whole day off. I have soup for dinner tonight after food club in an attempt to prevent the day being as bad as it could be. So one meal out doesn't have to lead to a disastrous day. Recognise that that meal was unhealthy and balance it out with something healthier.

Between now and May, I have some serious training to do to get me in good shape for a half marathon. I've been including other exercises into my training to help tone up and build muscles. I also want to look great on holiday this year! What are your goals for the summer?


Wednesday 20 February 2013

Did you know it's national chip week?

Did you know it's national chip week this week?
A recent study published in The Telegraph (see below for link) has also suggested that eating chips more than once a week can increase the risk of prostate cancer by a third. Eating deep fried food such as chips, doughnuts, fried chicken and battered fish may also increase the risk.
Everyone loves chips but they aren't particularly healthy especially on a regular basis. Going to the chip shop every couple of months for a bag of chips won't do you any harm but eating them more frequently can cause weight gain. Try swapping regular potatoes for sweet potatoes as they have a lower GI and also count as 1 of your 5 a day
So what can you eat instead of chips?
  • Oven chips are healthier than fried
  • You could have a jacket potato, boiled potatoes or mash
  • Make your own using sweet potato and a little olive oil then bake in the oven
  • Make a tray of lots of different roast vegetables
  • Swap chips for rice (ideally brown)
For more information on healthy eating visit or email

Sunday 3 February 2013

My 1st Park Run

Yesterday I ran my 1st park run at Hilsborough. As part of JCI, we decided that we'd do a Park Run once a month so off we went. I hadn't run properly since July except for a couple of 20 minute runs over Christmas. Another friend of mine was also going so we jogged down from Walkley together. Not sure that was such a good idea as we then had another 5k to do on top of that but you might as well start as you mean to go on. 
The run involves 3 laps of the park with most of it being flat except one hilly bit. I wanted to run under 35 minutes and not walk any of it which is quite a big ask when I hadn't run for that length of time in months. By the end of lap 1 I was pretty tired and by then end of lap 2 I was really struggling but determined to keep running. I was nearly sick on the 3rd lap but finished in 33:09 so I was really pleased.
If you are going to start physical activity, get a training buddy. Having Bea at my side encouraging me not to give up was so important and with that help, I kept running even though at times it was very slow, I didn't give up! If you are going with someone who's fitter than you, ask them to stay with you rather than in front of you. 
Park Run's are a great initiative. They are a free 5k runs in local parks which are sponsored by local companies and SweatShop. Use them as part of your training and a chance to improve your times. 
Next week's goal is to finish under 33 minutes and run 3 times between now and then.

What exercise have you done this weekend?


Monday 28 January 2013

A rant

Today, it's been highlighted that WeightWatchers have a major contract with the NHS to deal with weight loss patients. This is also going to be on the Dispatches programme tonight on Channel 4 at 8pm. 

When I read this, I was furious. I had seen that south Lincolnshire were sending people to Weight Watchers groups but wasn't aware it was now nation wide. There two things I have an issue with here:

  • Firstly, WeightWatchers meetings are not run by qualified nutritionists or dietitians. They are run by former members who have lost weight using the WeightWatchers program. So why does the NHS bother to employ dietitians and nutritionists if they are then not going to use them??
  • Secondly, WeightWatchers is a diet which teaches you to count points. It doesn't teach you healthy eating and the importance of exercise. Most people know the importance of them both but we should promoting that not Calorie and point counting. We need to encourage people to make healthy lifestyle choices which will continue for the rest of their life and be something the whole family can partake in to encourage healthy eating habits in children.
I'm very much looking forward to watching the Dispatchers programme although it will have to be on catch up as I have food club and hope to be able to find out the reasons why the NHS feels WeightWatchers is appropriate. I will also be taking my food club leaflets to doctors surgeries and promoting a healthier way of losing weight and eating which doesn't involve Calorie and point counting.
Incidentally does anybody else think Greg Wallace looks ill now on all the WeightWatchers adverts?


Monday 14 January 2013

£7 for 7 days?

Yes you read the title right. £7 for 7 days is all I have to live on for food and drink at the moment as I'm taking part in a charity fundraiser with JCI for Save The Children. The aim is to highlight child poverty so we have a £7 budget for food and have to donate the rest of our weekly shopping money to Save The Children.

As a nutritionist I am loving the challenge (although I am looking forward to eating normally!) and decided I wanted to be as healthy as possible. I started mine on Friday as I'm away next weekend. Most of the members started today until Sunday. Friday was easy as I felt rotten so ate a bowl of porridge. Saturday was harder though but I've managed and now made all my meals for the rest of the week: porridge, soup for lunch and chilli/bolognaise for dinner with loads of veg in.

Actually living on such a small amount of money and being healthy is possible but what I have found is snacks are much harder to afford. Fruit, nuts, seeds and dried fruit are expensive when you can buy cheap cereal bard for less than a £1 for 6. Of course, there's no coffee as I'm a coffee snob and would rather go without than drink cheap stuff and no alcohol

It's certainly made me think about how much we all eat and how lucky we are to have the money to buy the food we do. So next time you're throwing food away, spare a thought for those that don't have enough to feed them never mind throw away.

To find out more visit

Sunday 6 January 2013

New Year's resolutions

Wow! How is it already the 6th January?? This year seems to be whizzing by already. How are you getting on with sticking to New Year's resolutions? I know a lot of people haven't gone back to work yet and it seems they are starting then. Is that the case for you? I haven't made a resolution for this year but I am determined to make it my best yet both personally and in business.

I am however, not drinking alcohol for the rest of January. Although I didn't drink very much of Christmas and New Year, I feel I need a bit of a health kick and it will help hugely with my half marathon training. I can't run if I've been drinking the night before (even just a couple of glasses). Later this month I will also be doing JCI's pound a day diet to highlight the poverty some people live in. We have £7 to feed ourselves for the week and the rest of the money we would have spent on food is given to charity. You can't drink on that amount and I'm going to have to give up my coffee!

Onto the fitness side of things, with JCI we are going to organise some runs and walks which I will be taking part in. I decided to run the half marathon before it was decided on as a JCI activity because I would love to achieve something like that and want this to be the year I really improve my fitness. I've also be doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred exercise DVD which is amazing. She has a few which are all available online and I would definitely recommend them. A friend and I do them together which is good motivation. On Friday, we did the 40 minute problem area workout and I still ache from that! The 20 minute workouts are great if you don't have much time or want to start off more gently. If exercise is on your agenda but you can't afford a gym membership then definitely look at these.

The Real Food Club launch is tomorrow (Monday 7th) at Molly's tea room (Godfrey's Garden Centre, J31 of the M1). It's a free event and start at 7pm so feel free to pop in if you are interested in joining. The meetings kick off on Monday 14th with Molly's at 7pm and Thursday 17th at Zest, Upperthorpe, Sheffield. We are also looking to hold a small group in Chesterfield on a Wednesday evening. There are 3 places left at this one if anyone is interested. Comment below or email

Happy New Year


Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Year New You

How many people made a New Year's resolution to lose weight? Did you make the same resolution last year and then give up after a few days or weeks? This year you could make it the last year that losing weight is on your list.

The Real Food Club is a not just a weight loss club but a group that provides practical and personal support for anyone looking to lose weight or change their eating habits for the better. We don't talk about diets and we rarely mention Calories because healthy eating is far more important and sustainable. It is run by Hannah Bailey of Wise Choice Nutrition who is a fully qualified nutritionist.

Each week, we meet and have an informal chat whilst weigh ins are done (in private). It is up to you whether you reveal if you have lost or gained and only I will know if you choose not to share. There is then a 15 minute talk by me about an aspect of nutrition and ways to incorporate that into your diet. We then have an optional confessional where people discuss the good and not so good points of the week. This is optional and if you don't wish to participate, there is no pressure. You also receive 3 recipes for evening meals and 3 breakfast and lunch ideas.

The meeting costs £5.50 and includes a folder for all your recipes, weekly diet diaries, a mini gum bag after 4 weeks and lots of other helpful goodies.

If you would like more information, please email or call Hannah on 07912 556470.

Good luck,
