Wednesday 2 October 2013

Clothes shopping

On Monday, I took a couple of hours off and met my Mum for some clothes shopping. I desperately need some new clothes especially as I have two very exciting projects starting and jeans just won't do! A lovely girly day planned and some retail therapy. Sounds bliss...

I can truly say that clothes shopping has become one of my worst things ever! It was awful, depressing and if it wasn't for my Mum I would have turned round and come home. I have put some weight on and was wondering how this would affect the sizes I buy. Having always been an 8 top and 10 bottom, I prepared myself that this may no longer be the case. Clearly, I am an awkward shape because 10's looked a bit too tight and 12's hung off me. Or, clothes just didn't fit right.

Whilst I found it depressing, I know I am fit and healthy and with a little bit of work, the rest of the weight will come off. It got me thinking about how other people might find clothes shopping especially women who are bigger than me. With the average UK women now a size 16, how do they find clothes to fit? As we were walking round, I started to look more at what other people were wearing and realised there are only a few people who actually wear clothes that fir them really well and suit them. If I found it depressing at a size 10 what must some a size 14 or bigger feel like?

It also seemed that clothes were smaller in shops and cut really badly (unless that's just me). Surely, clothes sizes should be a little more generous given that we're all getting bigger. It's well known that wearing well fitting clothes is more flattering but may be it's just not possible for everyone. Of course, there are also the wonderful changing room mirrors which seem to add a dress size and show every bit of cellulite, fat and any other imperfection.

All in all, a depressing experience. I would love to hear how you find clothes shopping. Are there certain shops you know you can rely on for good clothes or is it a nightmare? I left with a top and a skirt which don't match but at least I have things at home they go with. I also have renewed determination to get back into a size 10 and look good in it through healthy eating and exercise.

Tell me how you find clothes shopping by emailing or visit the website

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