Wednesday 13 November 2013

Eating for wellness

It's the time of year when bugs have started doing the rounds. Everywhere you go, there seems to coughs and colds or even worse stomach bugs! What you eat can play a huge part in helping protect you and your family from nasty germs.

Firstly, your lifestyle can often be a big factor in how ill you get. Some people can eat rubbish, never sleep enough, drink too much, smoke and they never catch a cold but most aren't that fortunate. If you're feeling tired and run down, listen to your body and go to bed a bit earlier. Sleep will help your immune system fight whatever it is that your coming down with.Cutting down the alcohol and eating better will also help. Here are some foods to include in your diet:

  • Add a teaspoon of cinnamon and turmeric (ideally non irradiated which can buy here ) to your diet each day. Both have lots of beneficial properties not just for fighting illness but keeping you well too.
  • Up your vitamin C content by piling your plate with more vegetables (nothing else) and steam or eat raw where possible to keep the vitamin content high. Drinking lots of orange juice won't help you fight a cold!
  • Drink lots of water to help keep you hydrated and prevent symptoms of dehydration especially if you have a stomach bug.
  • Local honey (not from the supermarket) with lemon and fresh ginger is a great natural cure for a cold and sore throat
  • Taking a multivitamin may help prevent colds during winter months. The best are from Cytoplan and you can order them through me


If you would like more information about preventing illness through good nutrition, visit the website or call Hannah on 0844 877 0348 or 07912 556470. You can also send us an email to

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